nine so we're gonna go ahead and get started um thank you all for coming it's a full room there's a lot of energy in here which is really good um I really appreciate the passion in the community about this uh this kind of topics in general so I want to start off by just acknowledging that it's a full room when there's a lot of energy and you know we're here we're gonna invite people to speak right and so we want people to be respectful and you know to you know be behave in a professional and respectful manner even though this is something that again rightly so people feel very passionately about um so we we structured the title event as a round table discussion um there's a bunch of round tables and we don't even fit around them so we have extra microphones up here uh which I think you know we'd invite people to come up and use when you know when they want to speak um as the conveners of the event um we can kind of start and explain you know David and I can talk a little about like our perspective on this this topic and the topic broadly is you know how do we conduct ourselves how do we react when people who use our software people who use our technology don't we don't agree with their agenda we don't we don't share their values and at what point do we try to draw lines and boundaries around that sort of thing and it's a it's a complicated question um you know there's uh one of the things that as a contributor to Drupal personally had to make kind of my peace with early on was the fact that once you release free software people will use it and you don't have control over how it will be used and that's uh you know part of the trade-off that you make when you release something freely there's lots of benefits to all of that but it's not all beneficial and when we started our company uh Pantheon we set it up intentionally so that anyone could sign up for it for free anyone could take their site live at any point they wanted to we work with a lot of agency partners that can bring us any customer they want at any time and we built it around that same ethos of being very widely and publicly available when we were you know in the early days of the company we intentionally structured one restriction around that which is which we we didn't want to do adult content and that was kind of just more of a question of what type of business you want to build because you were doing stuff on the internet you kind of either take a fork on the road if you do or you don't and we didn't want to build the adult content kind of business so so we didn't and then beyond that we really took a broad uh uh gave our users and customers broad license because it's their website it's their content it's their code they they own it like that is the perspective that we've had so we honor our legal obligations obviously around like copyright other things like that and we have taken action in the past when there are things happening on the platform that create a we in our judgment a direct risk or harm so people posting personal information people doing like targeted harassment people say saying hey let's go you know get these people at this place like where the removal of that content in it in and of itself could potentially avert something bad from happening directly like our our perspective is that's that's a that's a using Pantheon to directly harm someone the website is is a harmful thing and we'll take it doesn't happen a lot but it has happened we'll we'll take action to pull that off but beyond that we're we're our perspective is it's the right thing for a big open platform to do to permit an extremely wide array of uses and an extremely wide array of customers even when the conflict with our personal beliefs very directly um and so you know that's how we have built our business and you know that's how we are conducting ourselves um and reasonable people can disagree about whether that's the right choice or not I don't expect everyone to share our position on this but I also think that reasonable people in a community can just degree and not feel you know that they have to become enemies um David I don't know if you want to add any thoughts that I'm like sort of like to round out the pantheon perspective I'm trying to represent the the all of the founder opinions as well as I can this is a bit more my personal perspective but um uh I grew up um in a very conservative community and um experienced a lot of censorship wielded as a a cudgel against um people in my community and um that's I actually joined the ACLU when I was in high school um uh back in the 90s um and that was largely in response to seeing burgeoning censorship efforts across both public and private spaces used as a way to um to exclude um and I um I wouldn't say I made a vow at that point but um I became fairly resolved early on to never be a participant in creating that sort of censorship censorship infrastructure in the sense of the tools that could be wielded against people like me again in someone else's hands because even when I can control the um the levers to some degree in my current position it doesn't mean that I have control over who those lovers get handed to and I'm very reluctant to set up levers that are similar to the ones that have been used against me and my community in the past foreign thanks for that um so I would like to open up the the conversation I think at this point um it's because it's a big room uh you know people can they don't you don't need to use the mics but I think it would probably be easier for everyone to understand one another if we did try to use the amp the microphone so that folks in the back can can hear what's said um David and I are are here kind of to stand up and representing Pantheon but I think everyone else in here is representing they're representing themselves and to the extent they feel comfortable they can represent their organizations because this is a it's a very complex topic it plays into what do we want to what do we want where do we draw various lines how hard do we draw them like what um what levels of Association cause you to cross a line or not and we just want to hear other people's perspectives and have a conversation about it as a community so would anybody want to come up and say anything or we're also happy to answer questions if people have it but it's we want to host a conversation thank you let me just yes [Music] I feel like I'm about to drop a bombshell since it's new and it's like new moral space for everyone but what are your thoughts on generative AI things like taking away jobs or who owns the rights to art that's a interesting question um [Music] I think that there are definitely moral quandaries with people building technology off of other people's work and then you know using it to replace the need to do that work it's also it's a challenge with openness right so like you release things out into the public you don't restrict how they're going to be used because again Freedom you know Etc and then people will you know Hoover up all that information and turn it into something that maybe puts you out of a job like that's a I don't I don't know that it's it's actually that Stark and dire uh now but it's certainly an issue it's it's a really hard one to figure out how to how to resolve you kind of have to think about you know um I've seen people talk about maybe we shouldn't be using like the GPL or the MIT license maybe we do need new licenses that restrict uh use for uh AI or or people want to put out licenses that require uh certain um uh standards for for people to use a technology that's Uncharted Territory and I think it'd be interesting to see some folks try to do and see how well how well it works but I think in in the world of of the sort of the AI hype cycle we're going to probably go through a few more ups and downs before we figure out anything that is is sustainable yeah you can use a Podium mic or [Music] so I know you all have arrived here with the best of intentions um trying to do the right thing um but you have arrived here now where a hate group is able to platform on Pantheon and not be deemed in violation of your terms of service um I got a call from your CEO when I raised objections that uh that this is not going to change they're going to stand firm with this policy um is there any room for discussion change reevaluation thanks Paul um so uh let's talk about that um the the there's two things I would respond there I want to respond directly to the question that you asked and I want to respond to the idea of platforming um because I uh again you don't have to agree but there's it's a there's Nuance in the concept of platforming that is important then it informs our thinking about this so I'm going to answer that first and then I'll get to your question your direct question so we the word platform is super overloaded right people use it to mean a whole lot of different things um I would can we get some people to come forward a little bit because if there are people in the hall there's like a couple seats up here yeah there's somebody take those chairs and you know if people are comfortable there's chairs up here if you want to sit sit up in the front you're welcome to them a more practical David you're right they don't want to have to sit at the table come on down [Music] let's hold one okay fair enough um so the I want to be clear that the the conversation we want to host is is a is a is a larger one than this specific issue that the Paul's referencing but I'm happy to give you a summary of uh the the Catalyst for this conversation if you will um can everybody hear me is that okay I can try to I'll I can get more mic'd up um actually it'll be easier for me if I'm not couch so uh for for people who are um you know just joining the conversation uh uh now the specific impetus for hosting this discussion is that uh uh Pantheon has our policy of being open and letting people use our platform without any kind of screening or um you know prior uh filtering whether that's directly coming onto the platform themselves or being brought To Us by an agency and one of the customers that came to Pantheon actually about four years ago brought by a small digital agency that works with non-profits most of their customers are these Anodyne like local let's make the food in our Public Schools better type of uh groups but they also have as one of their customers who knows why a national uh right-wing legal advocacy organization called Americans defending freedom is that right I think Alliance for defending freedom and this is a a an organization that was founded in the 1980s it comes out of the the no it was in the 80s it was I think it was 90s my wikipedias might be slipping in the 80s or 90s comes from the um Conservative Christian uh you know activist politics so the folks on the family James Dobson they were involved in the in the founding of it it's got some billionaires who keep it you know pumped full of money employs lots of lawyers from Ivy League colleges to go out and argue find cases that they can argue you know and try to run up to the Supreme Court to build precedent and also they've gotten into creating legislation to try to push through State legislatures and you know their their hit list goes back quite a ways like they were kind of like whatever's uh the topic du jour in in right-wing politics tends to be what they focus on so recently it's been Reproductive Rights um the the right to gender affirming uh health care and you know in the past and you know trying to roll back gay marriage um in the past they've also worked a lot on like religious freedom issues which you know bleeds into only one religion is really the one that you're allowed to have so this group was uh their uh I think is the domain name was was brought to Pantheon about four years ago um you know as a self-service customer they do have an annual contract with Pantheon now because they wanted to save some money by doing an annual commitment um and this became known uh Greg Dunlap posted about this on LinkedIn and you know people were really surprised I think shocked felt like what the heck uh how could you do that be doing this Pantheon this this seems very contrary to the the values that you you represent and so I I do want to get back to your question Paul um but I think this is probably good to summarize and so you know we part of the conversation here is what do we do when the users of our technology the users of our services the users of our platform don't do have this like strong conflict with the values that we authentically hold and how do you how do you respond to that and then different people have different ways that they'll respond to that that challenge and so again we're here to talk about we can talk more about our point of view but I want to hear also if people want to share other points of view as well so Paul asked a question about you know uh it feels really out of character and wrong for us to to platform this group and would we ever reconsider this decision so I wanted to respond first to the the use of the term platform uh which is I think nuanced right uh platform's a super overloaded word right there's platform the company there's platform the technology thing there's platform the way that you mean it in the context of speech and a speech platform is a place where you can create reach and or legitimacy right a speech platform is being this is a speech platform like I'm an official person standing behind a podium in a room where I was able to draw an audience like putting putting someone on your conference schedule is platforming them uh social media sites are speech platforms because they allow you to pay money to buy an audience and the whole purpose of the system is to drive attention to things um the open web in and of itself is not much of a speech platform because it does not provide any legitimacy anybody can buy a domain name it does not provide reach no one's going to visit your website if you build it they don't necessarily come you have to do all these other things to actually create reach so our perspective because I I do think I think Proprietors of speech platforms do have responsibilities for how they're used but my perspective is that Pantheon as an underlying piece of infrastructure is not much of a speech platform at all right that the actual people build things that you could consider speech platforms on top of us but our service is is more of a raw material um so just just wanted to say that and I I just wanted to add that um we we also looked into what are the actual implications of this more than just being a distinction one of the differences is that most extremist activity on the Internet is correlated with the reach side of this issue in the sense that um the internet before the Advent of major social media platforms and other things that would promulgate speech and and algorithmically bubble it up whether we're talking about search engines us social media organizations really even some of the most modern news media that is what the correlation and even causal effects seem to be related to for the uh for the expansion of extremism on the internet and that's the primary thing that we have to be concerned about in a sense because that's that's ultimately what we're talking about right like um it's it's not about some philosophical Distinction on minutia but like what the actual implications of the choices are yeah and against right right the the the the they're related the the philosophy there's the philosophical distinctions are based on the fact that different things work differently and have different effects and so Paul's question is will we re-revisit uh this uh this this uh decision what the way we operate when these questions come up we don't I mean it's not like a a hugely mature process we do have a process so you know someone will make a complaint um and uh it goes into our abuse inbox like like most platforms we run an abuse at you know provider dot IO in this case and uh and of most of the things that go into that we can handle pro forma because it's like oh it's a copyright violation claim oh it's this person sending spam oh this site appears to have been compromised and it's sending malware like those are things that the team can just verify and take action on immediately when someone says oh this is a hate group you should take them off your platform that's not something that the the team that handles the routine abuse complaints is is prepared to respond to so they escalate that we got together Founders um and our general counsel uh and eventually engaged the whole executive team and talking this through and we reviewed the complaint which included a helpful link to the splc's website where they kind of went over all this stuff we researched the organization a little bit we dug into some of the history of the how they got classified how they did and you know looked over their website obviously to see if there was anything like that had that like oh my gosh this page on the website is is doing specific damage um and what we found was there wasn't content on the website that we could reasonably say hey if we pulled this what this content off the internet it would it would prevent harm from happening and the the group itself well odious in my opinion is doing lawful Democrat they're they're used doing lawful political activism and trying to use the Democratic process to advance their agenda and the fact that I deeply disagree with their agenda doesn't mean that we are going to kick them off our platform um and so the policy that we exercise to go through all that internally just for the sake of being able to give some sense of like conclusion and finality and closure like the the policy document says these decisions are final and so I I don't know that we'll there's a world where we'll revisit this specific decision because it can kind of just go on and on and on forever um the the broader position right of how we think about our responsibility as a as a open web provider like as an open platform in a divided world it's not the easy route to take uh and so I will say that we're conversations about what we should be doing and how we should be doing are definitely ongoing and we we talked about this stuff not every day not every week but like you know once a month on average I would say um and I think we want to um so I I what I would I don't want to like promise something that we're not going to deliver on right I I don't think that we're gonna reverse course on this specific decision because we're not ready to change our overall stance that we've had for the last 12 years and you know that that's something that we would need to you know there would be a lot more thought and uh and we'd have to be really confident that we were moving to something that uh helped us you know feel good about the decisions we were making and was very consistent and was very transparent and was as objective as possible and that the challenge that's moving into inserting kind of a values-based screen for who we serve is it then it all comes down to like well who's making those judgments and how are they being made and you know the further you walk away from you know really clear uh uh lines but that permit an awful lot of things to happen the more murky that process gets and we've seen people you know get lost in the sauce with that and that's something that I don't think helps when you end up so I'll just speak for myself personally this is not the pantheon position but as someone who has a background in professional Progressive politics and really doesn't want this agenda to win getting kind of swirling around these questions of like who's allowed to use what technology when expends an enormous amount of energy that doesn't help defeat these people and so I personally want to for myself try to I don't I don't actually think of like my company as the mechanism I use to advance my political agenda it's like a very limited vessel for doing that I'd prefer to actually do things I think are be more likely to have that kind of impact in the world and and make the change that we would like to see so so it's a long way around of saying no on this specific thing but more broadly like we'd like there to be a better approach to this we'd like there to be a you know a better internet but we don't actually know what that is right now so we can't we can't change to something that has that kind of uncertainty around it yeah you want to come up thank you thank you so to me I get that there's multiple aspects to platforming but you are fundamentally a web supporting platform that they are hosting on and to me you have the terms of agreement 1.4 restrictions except as this expressly authorized person to disagreement subscriber and each end user may not and may not permit others to blah blah blah and we go down to item m use the service to post any false income uh no that's L sorry users to post any false inaccurate or incomplete material and then also item n use the service in any fortunate abusive or otherwise illegal weight and violation of this agreement on the current ADF website they state in this Society uh second find the exact line they state that a marriage is defined as the emotional Union of one or man and one woman which is obviously both a a lie and B abusive and I feel that you have strong reason to terminate them based on those terms of service thank you thank you so first of all thank you uh for for speaking um and um I appreciate that perspective and I understand where you're coming from um you know our we respectfully disagree sorry I was to say we certainly have the right um we again I want to be clear I'm not trying to do a cop-out thing we're like oh we can't we have no other options we have to do this because the open web like the the terms of service do give us broad latitude uh to act in in these in other circumstances and and there's a different world we could say hey guess what um Josh and and David are going to like review every customer on Pantheon and kick off any that we think are are not great but we choose not to operate that way um and you can just you're you're I understand that that's a disappointing choice for many of you um but it is a choice that we're making on our side and so that's why we wanted to you know be direct and transparent about that so that we can be accountable for that choice uh I was just going to dig a little more into the question of platform um in the sense that there's um um I I just want to see a show of hands in this room for how many people in this room believe in net neutrality okay so an overwhelming majority of people here believe in some restriction on some level of Provider on the internet being unable to wield um restrictive policies around content the data that's transferred um the information that they are handling and distributing there's a spectrum from the concept of network and infrastructure organizations all the way up to the organizations that we were talking about in terms of providing reach um and we believe that in reach is where the much of the damage occurs like we're not linking anyone to this site uh we're not uh we're not partnering on with them on any promotions we're not Google sending them search search results or search traffic we're not advertising um for them we're not algorithmically promoting their content um so we fall somewhere on this spectrum but between a network provider and some an organization that is actively promoting the content Distributing the content and there's a I think there's a meaningful distinction there especially with regard to what harm gets created um we we certainly don't police the platform to the degree that like every false statement on the platform is getting reviewed um the it would be intractable uh and in fact it would be worse than intractable it would get abused as a process because what's happening today on Reddit and Facebook with their own moderation processes is that they are getting weaponized against marginalized communities by filing reports against content it's often trans people who are the victims of this on Facebook where their content gets reported it goes to moderation cues as you scale up a moderation process and have more expansive and complex sets of criteria for how to evaluate it mistakes get made and over time as you iterate the process especially with people who are acting in bad faith you ultimately find marginalized people in organizations at the receiving end of bands and suspensions and other disruptions to their service and since we certainly can't have the founders review every single request at scale for sites on the platform we would necessarily have to hand the content moderation process to a system and infrastructure that would be much more vulnerable to that sort of mechanism thank you so I worked for a non-profit organization called Facing History in ourselves we use lessons of History to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and Hate I don't see that we can spend our donors money hosting with Pantheon sorry I'm nervous a lot of people here yeah should have got a bigger room if you want to counteract what you're doing give my organization and other organizations like mine that are standing up free Saints [Applause] thank you for speaking and that's a great suggestion that's a something for us to think about for sure like in the in the world of doing things that will have more impact like I think that's a great and uh obvious thing that Pantheon could could be doing foreign I mean first of all like Josh said like we do not agree like morally with these guys there's a lot of Bad Bad actors um and you know they're in a tough situation but I wanted to reiterate a point you made earlier because I was thinking exactly the same thing um and it's about energy right and if you want to like Drive change and improve like our lives it takes policy takes laws you know there's like we that's not currently happening in a lot of places and so we're driving our energy kind of towards like one you guys but we're not talking about like how can we actually improve the world you know like like I'm from Florida I've got like there's there's bad like it's not great out there and I I just there's not you know there is activism in the world but um I also just wanted to point out like we're all making Drupal and drupal's used by a lot worse people than these guys like I've stumbled across apparently like terrorist groups using Drupal many years ago um so it's very tricky because we're all contributing to that you know we're all concerning patches to this this organization's website uh so yeah I mean that's the thing like I don't think telling forcing a company or I mean first of all let's go to Acme if we can get the list of all the things sites they don't shouldn't have up and we just don't know what's going on you know so it's not just this one group there's probably another one on your site that we don't know about but attacking like going after them isn't really gonna change it much at all and I think it's kind of like boycotts you know like we're going outside and shooting our Budweiser cans like after we buy them um but I like like he says like he this guy comes from politics like Drupal came from politics like Progressive politics 2004 took over and uh I just think we really should put our energy towards like actual policy actual laws and not only that hate speech has stronger laws in other countries right so if they're really putting something on their website that's encouraging violence in danger we should absolutely have a mechanism to take that down right and I thought of the dcma do you whatever uh if you put an MP3 on your site that like some musician owns you can file a complaint and they'll take it down they have to take it down right so I just I feel like targeting stuff like that would just was going to help more people than just like kicking these guys off because guess what they'll just put the site back up again somewhere else and they'll have exactly the same breach that they already had so I mean I'm not I feel bad but I also of course they suck this is very emotional issue and like I'm shaking even talking because like yeah people are really being hurt out there and it's not because that site is on them that's like we'll live on no matter what until we change the laws right and can point out the problematic content take it down and I don't know that's just what I what I was thinking about it dcma dcma for hate speech let's do that thanks um yeah and again for everyone who's who wants to speak like take a beat take a breath it's it's a very full room and it's a very charged topic so um I appreciate that and um I I also I mean obviously that that's more in line with our thinking but I also really recognize why people want us to to do something here even as a gesture of solidarity with people that are you know in in extreme distress right that I I I I recognize the validity of that ask and as an individual I want to demonstrate my solidarity I just there's limits to what we can do as a company in that regard and I also understand that the the the the desire the frustration with the political process and the Democratic process is part of what drives people to really want to do this stuff so I saw that hand first but then you [Music] we got about like 15 minutes left they can't go too far okay right here so I appreciate that you are placing yourself more in the infrastructure than the content delivered like direct service actively working with such odious customers however there is a difference between throwing up your hands and saying we can't do anything because it's going to be a quagmire and act taking an active supportive stance of their broader community and one way that could be done is to just say okay we won't take you off your pla our platform however any funds that come to us from your payments are going to go right back into the causes that you are actively working against that we do support and are adhering to our policies so that could be an alternative active that you could take and I've been really disappointed not hearing anything along those lines and just uh we can't do anything there are other options and I encourage you to shift into supporting those working against these folks thanks yeah yeah that's a really good point so so two things I would say um I'm gonna respond directly to the the suggestion because it's a good one but also about like you haven't heard much it's I meant to say this at the very beginning in my intro of like Hey we're all here in this room it's a full room there's a lot of energy um I also understand that like people haven't heard much from Pantheon about this you know we've had one-on-one conversations with a lot of folks but we haven't like communicated broadly and publicly about it and the the reason for that is that uh in the The Contours of Internet discourse this is just like a really hard conversation to have productively if we're doing it in social media threads and so forth and so that's why I really appreciate people coming you know into the room where I think we can be more human together and you know have a a charged and difficult but hopefully meaningful conversation um as humans so again that's just you know recognizing that this is this is uh tricky for folks and so that's why we haven't like oh Pantheon's going to do this or oh let's clarify our stance on that because it you know it's sort of like trying to do that communication in the depersonalized realm of the internet is It's just tough uh we have to do more there and we will in the in the future um because I think we do need to spend like one of the things and I I will get back to your suggestion I promise one of the things that in retrospect I think we did that was totally a mistake was we didn't talk about this type of challenge in the past like there were many opportunities because these kinds of issues flare up with across different providers with some regularity there are many opportunities for us to have a conversation proactively about our perspective and the fact that we do have like customers that we disagree with deeply on our platform and and so there wouldn't be the sense of shock um and and confusion and and so forth that you know would would not make things um uh uh it would not it would I think it would have helped if if we had been clearer about our perspective on this earlier so people at least understood where we were coming from so to your question of like how can we like do turn around and do some material good and one of you know one of the ways to do that would be to you know redirect the funds from this organization to good causes like it's similar to like let's give free hosting to um to good causes um yeah I think that's that's something we're talking about a lot internally we like there's some issues which is like again for anybody who who we didn't say this before this is not a financial decision right this was not a decision we made because like oh gosh we need this customer like again they came to us on a credit card and they got it then now that I have an annual commit discount right they're not a high dollar uh value customer um so we're we're like frankly if we were going to try to like really invest in doing some good in the world we would want to uh direct more than just their fees towards that um and uh and I think the question for us uh as we've talked about that internally feels like a good idea don't want it to feel like like a like buying a carbon credit sort of thing which because that feels a little icky but but the idea of hey look we gotta we should put our our money where our mouth is how do we pick organizations to support how do we do more than just give money we'd like to like give to start to organize you know volunteering and other things that really help Engage The our company and like the company values and all of the people on team Pantheon who who also share these values to really you know put put effort in and like actually do some good work uh so I I really appreciate the suggestion it's good to hear that there's some support for that in the room and you know I I'm not I'm we're not going to say we have a plan here today because in all honesty we don't but I think something like that is a really good idea and we we definitely will try to figure out a way to to do some material positive good um I know you know you raise your hand but this gentleman over here was also first [Music] good morning everybody um I I've heard what you've said about the the liberty and the way you could use the platform and that resonates but how do you guys equate that to the decision to the platform of remove every website from Russia when when that came along right because it seems like it's conflicting uh to your stance now and in my personal opinion it seems like it you know I would venture to Guess that most people would support that decision so it's an easy decision right the Russian decision is an easy decision right it's it's a stance that was taken by most corporations it was a stance that was taken by a lot of people so so it was an easy decision this isn't an easy decision so um it just doesn't seem to me personally that what you're saying applies to that and so if like we did it once why can't we kind of do it again type of feeling but um I don't know it's just my thought process yeah so there there are definitely a few distinctions to be made from uh between uh the gazprom uh sites and um the uh the ADF in the sense that um the it's actually quite a long list um uh so uh if you'll bear with me um one is like gasprom actually runs a private military that's actively involved in The Invasion uh that so we are talking about a literal force that is directly endangering lives um in in Ukraine right now um uh they're they're actually dropping bombs they are sending in um tanks they are sending in troops and they are firing weapons at people uh that is a very high um direct link to the risk of involvement with gas prom um I'll additionally say like we haven't talked that publicly about some of these things but um uh we've seen Russia act as a state actor as uh targeting the platform with the tax and that also weighed on the scale in the sense that as part of their own um they've been in the process of deploying basically the equivalent of a great firewall and we've had contact with service providers in Russia and have noticed that they have been trying to intercept our TLS connections to the platform and therefore and insert a um sort of man in the middle attack and be able to censor the actual traffic because we also host activist organizations that are trying to undermine the regime in Russia and those have also been victims of or or attempted victims of denial of service attacks against their their sites on the platform so we are talking about a state actor directly involved in attacks and Military and it seems like a very clear case in in that situation so um uh I want to be conscious of time so we have about five minutes left and there's a lot of people who have their hands unfortunately I have to uh leave at to get to another thing for 10 by 10 o'clock so we'll try to get and then you add your hand and then one more and come on up one two three just everybody come up now and you'll have a chance to speak hi hi my name is holding poon and I am Deputy chair for Drupal NYC I'm one of the founding members of Drupal NYC and I am announcing right now that we just signed a new contract and moving our websites for Drupal Camp mic and Drupal NYC away from Pantheon sorry please don't shoot the messenger um we would like to thank Pantheon for sponsoring Us in the past but until the issue where the open web ADF has been resolved we are no longer taking donations from Pantheon we're no longer taking sponsorships from Pantheon that's what I'm about to say all right hello I'm Matthew I just wanted to say thank you for hosting this and I appreciate the um the sincerity I also just wonder if you had you mentioned splc the Southern povert Poverty Law Center before I wondered if you have discussed host uh explicitly saying you will not host sites that are listed on organizations that track uh hate groups uh we we talked about that internally and I'll just try to be brief because there's other people want to talk um we ended up saying we probably don't want to do that one because it feels like Outsourcing our judgment to third party which has a bunch of risks and two the splc itself is uh an activist organization and you know that they're they have made controversial decisions in the past on how they classify people and it feels like if we're going to own these decisions we need to own them but good suggestion thank you hello I'm Michelle I come from Europe I was listening the different discussion here and something like I didn't get the topic because in Europe uh often we turn to the government in order to find solution to laws and legal business and here I have the impression that we stay at the company level trying to to delegate all those legal basis to the Enterprise and I was wondering if at one point the company should not turn to the government thing uh our customers have problem with some values that are defined by our other customers we should have a discussion at the state level in order to solve the issue and have the appropriate legal business for those kind of activities is function has this kind of discussion to to try to end those kind of conflicts conflicting discussion that happened in the pantheon universe so um I think the so I think I don't think there's a company position on that to be honest like but like it's just speaking for myself like I think one the most important thing is actually just defeating this organization the public sphere through the Democratic process I think a secondary goal potentially behind it which is a little bit more um uh con tricky but probably important would be to actually have better laws that would you know govern what you can and can't do so like you know back basically being able to use the rule of law as as the tool versus you know debates about what speech is or isn't permitted that are not grounded in the rules law that would that would be nice but that's not also what Pantheon's job is to to to to make happen in the world like we our mission is to put the magic of the internet in everyone's hands um we're not a lobbying organization so to make sure you have can come up thank you I am I first want to acknowledge the very real risk that is involved when you're putting yourself out there in the context of activism um and thank everybody who is raising their voice today because it is so important to know that there are so many people here who are supporting the community and our values and I want to know um I want to know if you've considered your own strategy for handling PR if or perhaps when the community continues to call you out on social media and continues to lean on you to make better decisions um that's a great question um the the short answer is yes right this is a conversation that is ongoing internally like how do we manage relationships with our community with our partners with our customers um and um so certainly We are continuing to to think about that and uh and again like some of the suggestions here for things that the community would like to see that would be you know received positively or are good and you know I think that's all I don't want that to be like a PR strategy but certainly like Communications and Optics is a consideration for that but I don't want to you know want to do the right thing for the right reasons I guess if when it comes down to that but thank you for the question we are at time so thank you all for coming I really appreciate everyone with the courage to speak and everyone being polite and cordial in the room um hopefully we have a wonderful day today at drupalcon and um yeah let's go out there okay if this game now if this game down and uh Silicon Valley company kicked these guys off their platform their website would be up it would never go down and then they would use it because they're preparing themselves as victims and they look as under attack so they would be it would be on Fox News saying I woke Bob kick their group off the internet and they have a lot of people that go on Fox News to talk about stuff all the time that's it the ADF in the Colorado cake baker decision just they handed it to you on a platter you have the right according to the ADF themselves to not do business with people you disagree with they can yell all they want about that this is what they pushed for themselves you can use it if you choose to make that decision thank you I I you're correct